
My bunny has a swollen belly with a lump.?

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She doesn't eat much and doesn't move around a whole lot. When I first touched the lump it had a slight dip in the middle, and just about 3 hours later the dip had filled in and the lump had increased in size. She is around 3 to 4 months old.




  1. I would be more concerned about the swollen belly and the rabbit not eating or moving around much.  Those are signs your rabbit is sick and probably has digestive tract problems such as diarrhea, GI stasis, or coccidiosis.  A hernia doesn't really threaten the rabbit's life.  The other symptoms you mentioned could be signs of health problems that could threaten the rabbit's life.

    Take your rabbit to a vet pretty soon.  When the rabbit isn't eating and not moving like it should, that's a bad sign.

  2. it might  be a tomar or a fatty tomar wich is were fat builds up in one place. good luck

  3. It Could Be An Air Pocket

  4. If the lump is soft and moves easily with the skin, that's better than if it's firmly attached to underlying tissues.  A lesion like this could be a lipoma (harmless fatty body), an abscess, or a tumor.  And unfortunately, as you know, the only way to know for sure is to have a vet take a look and do proper diagnostic tests.

    If your bunny is easily stressed, then call the vet in advance and ask about getting a very small dose of Valium to give him about an hour or so before you leave.  He'll never be bothered at all, and the vet will have a very easy time handling him without stress.  You can find a good rabbit vet here:

  5. I'm sorry to hear that your bunny has the same problem as mine did.

    my bunny stopped eating and moving around.

    she got really skinny and then after her lump on her stomach got bigger she died :(

    take your bunny to a vet asap.

    in case its something like my bunny had.

  6. hey

    you should take your bunny to the vet right away, because ur bunny might have a tumor growing inside. hopefully its not something that serious. rabbits are very sensitive animals, and u shud get the problem checked right away. i hope ur bunny gets better!

  7. pregnant? tumor?

    go to the vet!

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