
My bunnys gotten big!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I have a rabbit at my grandmas and i havent seen him for awhile and I saw him and he is much fatter. What can I give him to make him loose weight??




  1. try to lay off on the rabbit pellets and feed it more vegetbles like caroots and lettuce

  2. Why would you want him to loose weight? That is how he is spota be, big eared right? means the bigger they get.. Rabbits do four things.. Eat, drink p**p/pee and sleep. all you need to give him is food and water and love him for who he has become..

  3. It's probably just his fur, but it mostly depends on the kind of breed he is...if he is a large breed rabbit, it's normal. As long as he's in the range of 4-5 lbs if hes a small breed rabbit, he OK. But you don't want your rabbit to lose wait, trust me :0)

  4. If bunny's are bored they over eat.

    So make sure there's enough toys for him in his cage, and take him out as much as possible.

    Portion control is also important.

  5. There is good rabbit care info here

  6. its none of the other people's answers. its only lack of exercise. try to let it run on the grass and it will lose weight. trust me, you cant overfeed them. its the bunny's choice how much it wants to eat. just let it get more running space.

  7. Stop over feeding him.  It is too late now and he probably wont lose weight.  Rabbits needs to stay on a strict diet according to breed and size or they will not live very long .  My 4lb rabbits only get 1/2 cup of pellets each day.  It is best if the feeder is empty most of the time.  They should not be given an endless amount of food.

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