
My bus driver is a total *****. What do I do?

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OK, so there's this thing in the rules that says "students may bring electronics such as iPod, MP3 Player, or handheld game system on the bus, as long as it is not a distraction in the classroom" My bus driver won't allow them. My frined got caught with his MP3 Player and she took it away. I bring my PSP every day and I hope I don't get caught. Another thing is, I had to sit with this kid, Matt, who said stuff about herpes and gross stuff like that, and I had to sit with him for a full year. Finally, she moved me, after months of me begging her, then Matt moved. So now I'm stuck sitting with this geeky kid who never talks, and if he ever does talk, it's about his freakin X Box 360 and how much he loves it. I HATE MY BUS DRIVER but my house is too far from school to walk, and my parents wouldn't spend the gas money to pick me up and drop me off. What can I do? I can't get transfered to a different bus, and I can't think of any solutions please help. Itll be two years till i can drive!!!




  1. Just bear with it...

  2. Yea! I would go to your Principal to tell him\her what is going on!!! She sound like a *itch!!!

  3. I would try talking to her first and see what the heck her d**n problem is... if you don't ask you dont know. if she still continues to be a lil ***** then id report her to the bus company! are the other kids having the same kinds of problems? if so get them to report her as well and keep doing it until they do something about it. if she gets enough complaints from her employer and she doesn't change her bitchy little ways then they will do something about it . good luck sweetie it's only a few more years:P

  4. So too bad, deal with it. If she doesn't want you using electronics it is because it IS a distraction to her. Take it from me--nothing is more distracting than a bunch of preteens yelling and screaming and blasting their iPods. Just deal with it. I'm 16 and I've got my license...but I took the bus.

  5. It sounds like she just has expectations set to PREVENT problems from happening.  It's not about being distracted by the devices- it's probably got more to do with them being stolen.  If they're stolen on HER bus, then it's HER issue to deal with.  I banned devices like that from my 3rd grade classroom b/c we had an issue with theft.  It becomes a distraction if they get stolen.  So you can hope you don't get caught, but you're knowingly breaking her rule.  Expect a consequence if you get caught.  

    As for who you sit with- there's only so many seats on a bus, kid.  If she moved you, that meant she'd have to put someone else with the herpes boy.  How is that any more fair?  Now you're complaining about a quiet kid?  Seriously, dude.  Riding the bus sucks hardcore.  I know- I had to do it until I got my own car.  There's not much you can do about it.  It's a part of life.  Deal with it.  Those two years will go by faster than you think.  One thing you COULD try would be to buddy up with someone old enough to drive who lives in your neighborhood and bum rides off him.  Be prepared to help with gas money though.

  6. It's her responsibility to get you to and from school safely and if it means that she not have to hear the annoying beeping and sound effects coming from your PSP or some other kid's IPOD then that's how it is.  You'll be surprised how quick 2 years will pass you by.  Suck it up!

  7. Just deal with it or complain to the transportation department of your school to get your bus changed or maybe with enough complaints, a new driver.

  8. well put yourself in her shoes...all these teenage bratty kids and their electronics- maybe they distract her....just be polite to her all the time and why are you worried about a geeky kid.... he is just a kid that is smarter than you are and that is why you are calling him a geek out of jealousy.... use that time to ask him for help with school work you dont understand or maybe talk to him anyway and make a friend. He possiably doesnt talk to you because he hears you calling him names and his feelings are hurt.... be the bigger person in all of these situations...

  9. Report her to the bus driving company and tell them that she is not allowing electronics on the bus even though the rules say you can!! Unfortunatly you can't do anything about the geeky kid ..

  10. yeah same with the answer above me, or u can just ask the bus driver to move seats

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