
My butler has gout can i legally fire him?

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My butler has gout can i legally fire him?




  1. Maybe send him back to his own time. LOL

  2. How long has he been with you? You can not fire someone w/gout. Why not provide insurance for him. Or should have written on contract he must have self insurance. You must give him sick leave. Remember- HE will take care of YOU if YOU take care of HIM!

  3. you are a sad person to even contemplate sacking him

  4. yes but it must be out of a cannon

  5. yes, but not for having gout.

    You could make him redundant.  That's what most UK businesses do to avoid complications.

    Alternatively you could convince him that resigning is the best thing for both of you.

  6. You can't fire him, that would be discrimination. BUT if you believe that his condition renders him incapable of performing his duties to an acceptable standard; or if his condition puts the safety and/or well-being of himself, you and/or others in jeopardy, then you can make him redundant.

  7. Not unless it was self-inflicted.

  8. know you cant, firing someone in the UK because they are ill opens you up to all sorts of legal action..... even you wont have enough money to pay the costs.

  9. You've got a butler? you must be loaded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry, I've no idea if you can legally fire him.

  10. Fire him for an arthritic condition?  Shame on you.

  11. sounds like you have the money to pay a unlawful dismissal fire the old cogger

  12. Tell him to drink less port.  Keep him!  He will be even more of an eccentricity if he's limping.

  13. Probably not, especially since you signed that contract promising to keep him on the payroll "for all eternity".

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