
My calf and my quad muscles really hurt from a 4 mile run and i cant stretch them out. what do i do???

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My calf and my quad muscles really hurt from a 4 mile run and i cant stretch them out. what do i do???




  1. Continue to do the stretches (like everyone says here) and have a ice bath for your legs...this will help restore and refresh your muscles.

    Run a shallow cold water bath (bring a sweater and a book and a bucket of ice)), sit in it for at least 5 minutes and then dump the ice in the bath, sit for another 10-15 minutes.  Read to keep your mind off the cold.  You'll be pleasantly surprised how good your legs will feel.

    Go for a walk after, to keep moving helps reduce DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

    When running, don't run too much too soon.  Increase your mileage no more than 10%/week on your long runs.

    Use tiger balm rub on sore muscles, though this does not actually take muscles soreness away, its the sensation (from eucalyptus/menthol) for temporary relief.

    run happy and train smart:)

  2. gently stretch them it might take a couple days for them to start feeling better, learn the proper warmup and cool down techniques.

  3. ice, stretch, rest

  4. Stretch everyday--even on a day off. If it hurts all day you need to take a day or two off, or it will never heal.

  5. Recovery is really important. Just ice and stretch and you should be better in no time! Make sure you don't start running before you have recovered because it will only make it worse and could get even more serious.  If it doesn't feel well or better by five days of rest, you should definitely go to see a doctor.

  6. massage them, you can use a rolling pin or a stick. Loosen up those muscles and get the scar tissue out

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