
My caller ID says that the phone number is "Unassigned." What does this mean?

by Guest31853  |  earlier

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"Unassigned" is where the name of the person would normally be. Why does a number come up like this?




  1. thats some scary movie ****..Dont answer!!

  2. no name

  3. The call is coming from inside the house.

  4. It means that the number doesn't currently belong to anyone, or is listed that way at least. Likely it is a number so new that the person who has it isn't in the system yet.

  5. i would think that its like when it says  PRIVATE CALLER OR  RESTRICTED CALLER, which means that the person calling you doesnt have a listed number,  hope this helps.

  6. either the caller blockedtheir number before calling you or the aera where he called you from may not have caller id service, not all areas of the country do, if thisis thecase a numbercan't be assigned as their service does not recognize caller id my best guess is the call is comingfrom a aera where caller id service has not be established so no info shows up on your id unit

  7. Is it happening to all the phone numbers or with any particular number , do you have the call display feature to display the numbers of the incoming and dialing calls?

    it could be a problem with your call display too.

    did you try fixing another phone on the same line to see if you still habe the problem , if you have then......

    call your service provider and place in a report

  8. Probably a bill collector or a phone solicitor. They are numbers that could be used as a temporary use type number. Or from a company that you can call out on, but it can't receive incoming.

  9. Might be a phone solicitor

  10. I would think that the CLIP (calling line ID Presentation) has been dropped or never sent by the network, this will result in unassigned or withheld or unavaiable showing on the caller ID.

    Hope this helps you?

  11. cause the number mite not be program in your phone

  12. It usually means the number is blocked or unavailable.  Usually the number is blocked.

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