
My camera has an issue with light..?

by  |  earlier

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I have a Sony Cybershot DSC-T1 and ive had it for almost 3 years now. Now, randomly, my camera wont take a picture properly. When it is exposed to light, the colors in the picture are not correct. It appears that the light is a blue or purple color; not white. Its kinda hard to explain but id rather find out the problem instead of having to pay a fee of sending it to the factory. Also i dont really want to pay more than 50$ to fix it since its so old





  1. Read the Manual, look for 'Setting the White Balance", follow the directions.  If you no longer have the Manual,  Google it using, Cybershot DSC-T1, Manual.

  2. I don't have a Sony but do have a Fuji F30 and looking in my manual,

    There are three options:

    1.  Standard for normal photography

    2.  Chrome for setting contrast and color saturation to high. This mode is effective for taking more vivid shots of subjects such as scenery (blue sky and greenery) and flowers.

    3.  Black & White which converts colors in photographed images to black & white.

    Can you change your Color Setting?

    If not not, use Photo Shop or Google's free Picasa program to correct the problem in the computer.

  3. Hi there,

    To be sure...  If you have been using your camera for 3 years, and up until lately it has started to make bad images, specifically distortion in color,  your sensor is going out, and they do, some sooner than later.   It is not worth replacing the sensor because that is going to be more than $50.00 with parts and labor.

    You don't want to put any amount of money on yesterday's technology, even if those cameras were really nice.   Put the $50.00 on a new model.  Sony's are still very reliable/dependable and take great pictures.  Besides, the MP size has gone up there...  a plus for you!!!

    Thanks for reading.

    Hope it was helpful.

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