
My camera says the batteries are dead when they arent?

by  |  earlier

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the batteries work in everything but the camera.

how do i make it work???




  1. Buy a new camera DOOOFUS....he!he!

  2. I'm guessing you're using AA rechargeable batteries? Rechargeables have a lower voltage (1.2 volts) compared to alkaline batteries (1.5 volts) so if the camera was not designed for rechargeables, well, rechargeables won't work.

    Does the camera work with AA alkalines?

  3. Try cleaning the contacts that hold the batteries,they may be dirty or corroded.

  4. Send the camera back, it's broken, they're designed to eat batteries.

  5. As mentioned above, try using AA alkaline.

    Read your manual, it'll tell you what type of rechargeable batts are compatible with your camera.

    There are several different types on the market. 2500 mAh are probably most common for digi cams.

    (If you're already using alkaline, chances are they're running out of juice. They'll work on other things but not a camera, digi cams are battery hogs, so you'll need a fresh batch)

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