
My camera still works, but I need help?

by Guest62842  |  earlier

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I have a pentex optio S40 digital camera.and If I try to take a pic the optio screen comes up and then for a split second the screen where you can take a pic comes up, then my camera turns off,whats wrong with it. and also theres a micraphone setting where it just records sounds and that works so I think it might be a proublem with just the zoom but I'm not shure please help.




  1. Most cameras will reset or restore if batteries are removed for at least one minute.  Insert batteries again and restart the camera.  Remove extra memory to eliminate this as a possible camera problem.  You may need to charge the batteries and clean the contacts as described in the source link.

    The secret to making digital cameras work better is having good electrical contacts between the batteries and the camera.

    Digital cameras require lots of power. If electrical contacts are not really good, this can cause lots of problems so battery and camera contacts must be cleaned properly.  Batteries may have a full charge, but will be viewed by the camera as low if contacts are not really good. The LCD display is a low steady load, but with extending the lens, focus, optical zoom, and flash charging in the capture mode; it is like starting a car.  With bad contacts the camera can do strange things like shutting off with the lens out.

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