
My camera wont close and says system error?

by  |  earlier

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i have a konica minolta digital camera and i accidentally fell on it (ha dont ask) and now it wont close. its one of the ones the you slide the thing in the front and then to scope thing goes in but it wont go in like its stuck or something. and when ever i try it says sytem error and beeps. is there a way to fix it?




  1. Send it to Sony (since Minolta is out of the camera business) and get an estimate.

  2. Since your camera is 4 years old, you may not want to pay to have it fixed when you hear how much it will cost!   If it can even be fixed.

    Call Sony and ask if they can give you an idea how much it would cost.  Sorry, but I would just get a new camera.

    Cameras do not like to be fallen on!    Guess you found that out!  LOL

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