
My canary's foot looks broken, what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Today I went to check on my birds and one of them is laying down on the bottom of the cage. I tried to make him get up to see if everything is okay, whats when I saw his leg curled in. Everyone is telling me that he is going to die, but isn't there something I can do? Will his leg get better?




  1. Please take the bird to a vet who can examine the bird

    I am sure they can fix it & tell them the situation so they may take you today as I am sure if its broken the bird is in pain of some sort

  2. take your pet to the emergency veterinary clinic for cryin out loud. If your leg was broken, what would you do?

  3. Take him to vet asap. Could be a break could be a disease. Keep him warm and put his food and water down where he can reach it. may need meds and a splint. It is not a good sign when they go to bottom of cage but if he is in pain that is understandable. Good luck. Off to vet you go.

  4. I think everyone else can give the same advise- take him to the vet. It's best to go to an avian vet.

    Here is a list of avian vets and their locations:

  5. Take him to the vet!!

  6. um well common sence would help VET ASAP!!!

  7. Even if his leg is broken, he won't die from that.

    More likely, though, it is sprained. This happens sometimes when a bird gets its foot caught in something, and struggles.  If you can get a close look at the leg, you can see whether it looks really broken, or whether he is just not using it.  Don't pull on the leg since it is injured, but gently touch it to see if it is very painful.  If you think it is really broken, you can take it to an avian vet.  But if it looks intact, and the right shape, and so forth, this isn't necessary.

    Keep his food and water on the bottom of the cage for now.  Put some kind of perch very low so he can get onto it easily if he wants to.  It should heal in time.  With this kind of injury, it can take up to 6 weeks for it to, heal, so don't be discouraged.  He should be fine.

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