
My car's acting up, the door controls aren't working right, and the steering tightens up WTF! NE1 know wuzup?

by  |  earlier

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OK, so I was just driving down the highway, when I noticed the seatbelt light was on. So I checked my buckle. It was clicked in all the way, so I jiggled it around a little and it went off. I thought nothing of it. Then it kept coming back on, and just randomly flickering on and off. I also noticed that when that happened the lights on my door controls (windows locks etc.) would flicker on n off too. I then realized that when the seatbelt light was off, the lights on those controls went off too, and the controls wouldn't work, I couldn't put up the windows or anything. ALSO.... when the lights went off, I had to really work to go around turns. I don't know if the power steering turned off or what, but it suddenly became very hard to turn the steering wheel. I just had some work done on the car, that had to do with a check engine light, but they fixed that, it was the EGR valve. The ABS light is on, but that shouldn't have anything to do with this. I'm thinking it's just bad wiring, or maybe a fuse is going bad.... I'm not sure. If it matters my vehicle is a 96 Ford Taurus Station Wagon..... Green... lol.. So ummm, any ideas? Shoot me an answer quick and tell me what you think. THANKS!




  1. sounds like a belt to me also  when the battery gets weak your electronics can go nuts  if it is a belt make sure it doesn't run the water pump or you could fry the engine before the battery dies

  2. green taurus id say a serpentine belt. if it was red or blue it might be bad wiring

  3. hey sounds pretty bad. maybe new car. check all grds and power.

  4. It's not a fuse. A fuse is either good or bad. You definitely have a wiring problem. It may be a bad ground or bare wires causing a short. Your abs light may be on because there is actually something wrong with your abs. Your power steering shouldn't have anything to do with your other problems. Your steering is it's own system. It sounds like you have several unrelated problems. Take it to a mechanic.

  5. electrical and power steering, hmmm.  That does sound kind of strange as most cars power steering is hydraulic and your other problem sound like a loose fuse or heavilly corroded battery terminal.  I would say check the ps level but I looked it up and Ford uses an electro hydrolic instead of belt driven hydraulic.  So this would indicate that you probably do have an electrical issue and since it is affecting more than just one system its probably not a fuse but a bad battery connection, perhaps check battery and alternator if you can't find a bad connection.

    Good Luck!!!

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