
My car's radio is fine when the engine is off but when it's on there's an annoying amount of static...?

by  |  earlier

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My car radio has an annoying amount of static - with any radio station - and I live in a fairly urban area which typically in any other car results in perfectly listenable radio.

I have a 1991 Civic DX which may or may not be relevant. The oddest part is that after driving, if I stop the car and turn the key back in the ignition so that the engine isn't running but the car is still giving power to my radio - there is no static at all - the signal is perfect!

What's going on and how can I fix this?

Thank you!




  1. check your spark plugs. They make them with an nc code . NC stands for noise cancelling. If they are not marked nc you can get static in your stereo.

  2. Sounds like you're having a ground loop problem. Check that the antenna wire isn't wrapped around any electrical sources, typically on radio's the antenna connector is located on the other side of the unit for prevention of your problem. Hopefully just moving the wires around. and simply checking that your power and ground connections are secure should solve the problem. If not, check this out.

  3. this problem could be caused by several different things. To me it sounds like a wire connection problem.. your antenna plugs in to the back of your radio and could be a little loose. another problem is that the antenna wire has been rubbing against something and now has been worn through to the conductors. this can cause static at first, but eventually it will short out. there is a fuse in-line with the power from your battery. that wire could be frayed also causing a connection when still, but when the car is on, there is vibration, so it is moving also and not getting a solid connection. try reaching behind the stereo and pushing all of the connections in to make sure they are solid. if that doesn't fix the problem, open your hood and trace the antenna wire back to the radio.. you may find the frayed wire there. you can use electrical tape on the spot and that should fix it.

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