
My car alarm keeps going off on its own at night, no one around, it is under a car porch. What could it be?!?

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My car alarm keeps going off on its own at night, no one around, it is under a car porch. What could it be?!?




  1. Yeah, why is this posted in paranormal.  You have a short in the wiring.  Disconect by fuse or wiring for the alarm.

  2. Your car battery might be almost dead.

  3. your car is not possessed.  it could be coming from some form of high frequency that you cannot hear like a cell phone, a car trigger that unlocks someone elses car it is all in the radio frequencies or sounds that make this do it someone is probably playing a joke on you or it could be your alarm is malfunctioning.  I knew a  guy once that went around town doing it with his garage opener from his house wasn';t even close to his house but he would do it just to annoy people til the cops got him

  4. it could be an animal jumping on ur car and it gets sceard when it hears the alarm and runs

  5. faulty wiring

    or a dead or dying battery

  6. could be squirrels, neiborhood cats.

    maybe its too sensitive, or something is wrong with it. However, if its only going off at night, I would suspect animals.

    Why did you post this in paranormal?

  7. Leprechauns.

  8. My car alarm gets real touchy in the winter, especially in real cold weather.  One of the sensors gets iced up just a bit and the darn thing will go off.

  9. It could be a defective car alarm or there could be a problem with the energy source (i.e. low battery).

  10. Since car alarms are known to never malfunction.I'm afraid your car may be under some type of paranormal assault.

  11. Ants, check for ants in the engine or a spider. same thing happened to me and it was an ants nest. I thought the car was haunted!

  12. It's me.  Sorry about that.  Did you know you're getting low on toilet paper?

  13. You should go to the car section for this. Or have you already been there and don't have a good answer yet? Could it be the wind? Are you sure no one is trying to steal your car..or break into your house..or sleep in your carport? Sounds like a cat etc.

  14. i don't think so...

  15. Honestly, it could be the vibration of a loud, large truck going down the street. Ours went off the other day and chirps frequently at night, but we have a camera watching it (it was broken into before), and more often than not it's simply a car going down the street that sets it off.

  16. mice, squirrels, bats, any nocturnal creature. the wind. just about anything.

  17. I had this problem with my car.  It is caused by the changes in the temperature.  Steel, plastic, glass etc.  all expand and contract with the heat and cold.  Being in the autumn the day temps are still much warmer than the night temps.  This causes the parts to contract and set off the alarm.


  18. Take it to a service centre or dealership and ask them to check it out.  It's likely some sort of electrical malfunction.

  19. Oh yeah...definately a paranormal occurance.  You car is either posessed by unclean spirits, ghosts, aliens, or has a will of its own.   I'd get another one immediately.  Paranormal, oh yes definately!

  20. Raccoons.

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