
My car cd player flashes on and off. Anyone have any possible reasons why?

by  |  earlier

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My amp in my car is also acting strange. When plugged into the sub, the sub constantly beats or rumbles even when the volume is turned all the way down. Any ideas?




  1. Both problems might be explained by a poor ground at the CD player.

    The ground wire is an important part of the power line for the CD player.  If it's not well connected, the CD player will have power problems.  The CD player ground is also the reference audio signal ground for the RCA cables running to the sub amp, so a poor ground might cause noise problems in the subwoofer.

    Make sure your CD player's ground wire is securely connected to chassis metal.

  2. I agree that the CD player has a loose power (+ or -) connections.

    The sub rumbling has several possibilities:

    1. (do not take this personally) cheap-below-economical system

    2. one of the woofer cables is loose

    3. one of the power cables to amp is loose

    Good luck.

  3. Sounds like the Player has a loose connection which would explain the flashing on & off. As you don't state whether that is whether you are listening to it or not it does the same thing, i'm going to presume that it is. Also if your sub is set to switch on with the stereo & off when you turn the stereo off that could cause the noise to the sub, or theres interference from it somewhere.

    Maybe it is your fuse not being the correct rating for what you are using it for, meaning the current being supplied faulters

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