
My car has been rearended by another car. I filed claim to his insurance company but he refuses to confirm?

by  |  earlier

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At the time of accident I had an expired insurance id, he stated that he is a police and by the law if i call police to come they will give me ticket so let's settel it down. After I got his insurance information I have called Allstate and filed a claim and got initial estimate but he still did not call his insurance company and I did not get paid. His insurance company says he can refuse it and my insurance company progressive says to file lawsuit. I live in MD anybody knows where should I claim?




  1. I think you're up the creek without a paddle.  You didn't file a police report about the incident, so it's basically your word against his.  And in this case, the insurance company is going to take his word, because you have no proof he is at fault, and this way they don't have to pay you a dime.

    Depending on how long ago this happened, you may still be able to file a police report about the accident.  Check with the traffic division at your local station to see what you can do to get a record of the accident.  Once you've done that, you may have some better luck getting his insurance to pay.

  2. If you had expired insurance whats the point?...

    Thats why he's doing what he's doing, becasue he knows he has you by the throat...

    Thats why you could keep your insurance up to date...

    Bite the bullet, your taking this one in the rear..

  3. Ask your insurance company about that.  They are in the know about those things.   As for proof about the have the particulars about his insurance information.  Now, how would you get that unless an accident happened and he surrendered them to you.    It is irrelevant whether he refuses or not.   What is insurance for?  

      There is damage?   I am assuming so.   It has been estimated by a  body shop and that is dated?   I am assuming so.   You started processing roughly around the same time?  Let the insurance companies work this out.  You have done the footwork.  But continue to make noise.

  4. They can't pay out for a claim if they have no proof their insured is at fault.  Since you didnt file a police report.. they dont.  

    I suggest you go through your carrier who will in turn try to collect your deductible back directly from the guy who hit you.

  5. Sue him! Once you will file a lawsuit he will talk to his insurance co.

  6. The adjuster should send somebody out to his house to photograph the damage to his vehicle.  If the damages line up, I would think this proves he was involved in the accident with you.  However, not all insurance companies do this.  Anyway, just file a small claims action against him.  He will then start cooperating with his insurance company.  You will have to go on line to find the courthouse closest to you.

  7. As far as i know,this is a question with many different answers,it is really depend on the judgement of yourself,provide a great resource here for reference though.

  8. do you have pictures. just call the police, he is lying

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