
My car has started to sound like a diesel?

by Guest57465  |  earlier

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Whats up with that because its a petrol car?




  1. You may have a hole in your exhaust pipe. I had the same problem once.

  2. Unfortunately, the best answer given, so far, is from Reg V.  It's difficult to be too precise without actually hearing the problem.  With fault finding you have to balance the most likely cause with the cheapest.  Personally, I would have the exhaust checked over first.  Whilst I don't think this is the most likely cause, it is certainly the cheapest (probably free)!  

    As Reg has said, the most likely cause is the big end bearings but there's no point in spending big money (and we are talking big money here) if it's just a hole in your exhaust.

    Sorry, best I can advise.      

  3. Difficult to say without more information. It is probably something to do with oil pressure. If your car has hydraulic tappets, if the oil is low, or they are worn out, or they are not getting oil to them they will sound very noisey like a diesel. Could be several reasons for this. It may be just wear or actually a lack of oil pressure.

    Start basic and check oil level first if this is ok it then gets more involved and expensive !

  4. Could be the head gasket but for your sake I hope not you should take it to the garage

  5. it might be the exhaust or the valves need adjusted.

  6. It needs a garage to look at it really  but if you mean its making more noise it could be the exhaust (or any number of a hundred other things!).  You definitely have a problem and I would highly recommend getting it sorted out before it becomes harder and more expensive to repair!

  7. Go check your oil

  8. Check oil, check exhaust don't try to run it on diesel.  

  9. Maybe it's "on the turn" if you know what I mean

  10. hard to say with the info u`v given but i`ll go for it`s not fireing on all cylinders (try changeing spark plug`s) of u have a hole in the exhaust  

  11. There are a couple of things that might be wrong if your car is one that is old and/or has done a lot of miles (in excess of 100,000). I'm thinking of worn big end bearings.  These would cause quite a bit of noise, possibly also associated with piston slap if the piston rings are worn too. However, if the rings are worn, you'll have been topping up the engine with a lot of oil and your exhaust will have been quite smokey.  However, it could be something as simple as something called 'pinking' which is a sort of knocking sound you can get if the timing is wrong. 'Pinking' is less of a problem these days, because most cars have fuel injection - it's the sort of thing that used to be common with cars that had carburettors. Your best bet is get someone to check the car out. Don't drive too far with it until you've had it sorted as you might make the problem a lot worse if you do.

  12. Check your exhaust you may have a hole in it.  This can usually be patched up (much cheaper than replacement)

    Take it to a garage to check this out

  13. Take it to a garage and let the experts look it over - there are many different causes, and if you don't know where to start looking, you won't spot the problem.

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