
My car insurance company are trying to charge more for a smaller car, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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They want to charge £70 if I cancel my contract with them, if I phone they put me through to S. Africans and English no longer deal with those in England!

They are Budget, only what they are trying to charge isn't budgeting it's ripping me off. I had a larger car a Citroen & bought a Ford Fiesta (smaller) but they want more money in installments per year. I am tired I have tried sorting it for over an hour. Now my cars uninsured because I cannot believe that they are trying to charge me more!

How do I get out of this situation without giving them money for nothing? The great thing abt them is - i get breakdown cover & I am told I pay £100 excess per annum-but apparently other people pay more!




  1. they don't care how big the car is.

    what matters is, value of the vehicle, and the probable severity of injuries and cost of repairs if there is an accident.

  2. Your situation are typical for a lot of people,so,be patient and calm down,check the resource i found useful.

  3. I don't know about the UK, but here in the US, the insurance companies consider smaller cars sportier and more prone to being driven hard, fast and recklessly. A smaller car is generally less crashworthy, too, meaning they'd have to pay more medical expenses for you.

  4. they shouldnt be charging you for cancelling, you need to find your original policy and read the small print about cancelling and charges. My bf just stopped his insurance and they didnt charge him, he then went on the net, went on and found the best deal.

  5. For auto insurance the best way to get a good quote is do a rate comparison on auto policies. Make certain that you compare similar options with the same limits, car make, location, etc so that all things are an accurate comparison.

    What I most often recommend is an internet comparison quote at since they have lots of insurers and will give several quotes on car insurance polices.

  6. if you are already locked in with them then you will have to pay it but can write to them and complain afterwards tell them you will be switching and you want your money back etc... get to somewhere like gocompare and check the prices on insurance sometimes it is cheaper to pay the cancellation fee and start a new policy elsewhere dependant on quotes from other insurers

  7. The size of the car makes no difference

    As for the cancel charge, if you read through the documents, it will probably state it.

  8. sounds like they are giving you a cancellation charge, this should be confirmed on your policy schedule or policy details

    the extra charge on changing the car may be because an insurance company do not just look at the size of the car but the risk that it carries, they may seem to think that the fiesta is at more risk of being stolen or in a crash or because it may be worth more money than the citroen.

    i dont know too much about budget so i really dont know whay they are thinking. i know with some companies you can ask to be put through to an english call centre and they have  some . thankfully i work for a company thats uk only but i understand your frustration

  9. Well!, if you give some more details someone may be able to help.

    Insurance is not decided on vehicle size for a start.

    What models and engine size and what is/was the power output for these two vehicles?

  10. The size of the car has nothing to do with insurance rates.  It's the risk factor.  Yes, if you cancel, they can charge you a fee for canceling.  You can either pay the additional charges, and stay with them, or pay to cancel and go to another company.

    But now that you have let yourself go uninsured, you have another problem coming up.  When you apply to the new company for coverage, they will ask "Are you presently insured?"  When you answer that you aren't, you are automatically high risk and will probably pay even more for coverage at the new company.  Never cancel one policy without having another in effect.

  11. shop around for quotes

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