
My car is leaking water ,and driver and passenger side sound proofing is wet?

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hello my peugeot 206 is leaking water in some were because my side and the passenger side sound proofing is wet ,the carpets are dry its underneath the carpets that are wet and it seems to be cuming from the center of the dash ,its not my aircon because iv havnt lost any water .another thing is i dryed it all out and it only seem to be wet when it raind hard last week as because i have had a hose over ever were and it didnt seem to get wet and was still dry .




  1. heater matrix dude  

  2. a big defo on the heater matrix.a very big repair job as well,you have to remove all the dash(electrics,water pipes etc)to get access to the very small radiator concealed in the matrix.the car will over-heat and cause serious problems to your engine if not replaced but you can also by-pass the matrix by disconnecting the inlet/outlet pipes and then join them up with a piece 22mm copper pipe or similar bore.this will keep you running but when the autumn/winter comes you wont have any interior heating and may have to pay £200-400($380-750)to replace the matrix radiator.adam nottingham

  3. It might be the windscreen, or the sunroof if there's one fitted.  Sometimes the seal starts to come adrift, and the water runs inside the bodywork and shows itself somewhere else.

    Try asking on the 206 Info Exchange forum , to see if anyone else has had a similar problem.

  4. It still can be your A/C.  A/C does not use water it makes water from condensation and it's drained out through a hose that might have come loose somewhere.  It shouldn't be too hard to find the source of the leak.  

  5. a leak is the most probable reason. did it leak when you had air-con on. it has its own drain tubes anyway. if it  leaked when it rained then look at the underbonnet cavities drian area's

  6. water is air conditioner drain is pluged.. if coolant is a heater core busted

  7. Your heater matrix is leaking and coolant/water is leaking into the car. It may ony be leaking a very small amount which could be why you haven't noticed the water level dropping. The heater matrix is a little radiator inside/underneath the dashboard which allows engine water and coolant through it when the car reaches temperature, this in turn supplies the hot air that keeps the occupants inside the car warm. Get it replace asap and until you do, ensure you keep your engine water topped up.

  8. Definitely start with the simplest, the sunroof drains are favourite, or the aircon condensation drain.  If it was your heater, you'd be losing coolant and you'd smell it too.

  9. Sounds to me as though the windscreen water seal has gone.

  10. sounds like you have a hole underneath somewhere

  11. Lift the bonnet and check the bulkhead just in front of the windscreen, There is a drainage tube down each side, some times these get blocked with leaves. Next check your water level in the rad because you could have a leaking heater element which is in the possition you state the water is coming from.

  12. Do you have a sunroof? If so have you checked that the little "drain holes" are clear?

    Had this problem with an old Audi, it was my mechanic who suggested checking this. I never knew that they even existed before! The dampness was appearing remotely from the sunroof area too, so never thought of it!

    Like at the back of a lot of fridges these days there is a little hole to drain condensation, when you forget to clean it regularly then you can get a puddle under the salad boxes at the bottom of the fridge. Clearing this hole regularly is essential.  

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