
My car is ten years old. Is it worth it to upgrade to high performance struts and springs?

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I have a 1999 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport. It's a really fun car with enough power for really anything I do, but the suspension is really kind of crappy and it doesn't have a very firm feel any more. I would like to get the 8 way adjustable KYB AGX struts and some Eibach springs, which would lower it an inch and give my car the handleing of an STi.

I'm also going to get a 20mm RSB (rear sway bar) (compared to my 13mm stock) and then get some endlinks as well. I think I'll keep my FSB stock though to give my car some oversteer.

Is all this worth it on a ten year old car though? It's in great shape! The engine is only 1/3 of its way through its life! And the transmission is still in good condition!

What do you guys think?




  1. If the car is in that good shape and you continue to maintain it properly it won't hurt to make the investment.  

  2. If it's worth it to you then" just do it" as Nike says.

  3. sure it,s worth fixing up! as long as the body is good and the car runs good, it,s worth struts and springs. my car is older then yours, it,s a 1988 and i put struts on the rear.

  4. If it is worth it to you than it is worth it.  Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.  

    Don't fool yourself into thinking that some struts, springs and a rear bar is going to suddenly turn your car into a suedo STi.  Better than now absolutely but hardly an STi.  There's a lot more work involved than that.  

    Unless your autocrossing or tracking the car the adjustable struts will be overkill too - a feature you are unlikely to use or be able to take proper advantage of.  If there is a good non-adjustable option - such as the Tokico's - for your car you might be better off with those and save a couple of bucks.  And you've not even mentioned the most critical component of all - the tires.  All upgrades should start there.  On a 10 year old car there is a good chance tires have been put on at some point that are not the ultimate.

    Glad to see someone starting the proper way - with the suspension - instead of a bunch of horsepower goodies though.  Your on the right track.  

  5. Why not? If you like the car, maintain it. Cheaper than a new one, and if you can't afford to upgrade something this month the bank won't come and get it. If it was a suzuki tracker or another piece of c**p I would say no, but your truck is like my saab, well built, fun to drive and if some day I have to drop a new motor and tranny in it, so be it, 4 grand is a lot better than 25k

  6. its not  about the price, cause u love it, if you upgrade its going to cost you a bundle more than you think, so my advise would be to invest your money into the car you have and know well , you obviously love it and you know its every move, it wont cost you the earth and you will be happy with the improvements, dont forget subaru are one of the best made cars in the world and can last a long time. with tender loving care, hope you make the right decition for you,  good luck.

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