
My car isn't accelerating?

by  |  earlier

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i have an 02 v6 mustang.

i recently drove from houston to oklahoma with it. i had it checked, the oil changed, tires rotated, everything...before i left.

i didn't notice anything on the drive here, but now if i have the car running for any amount of time and then drive it doesn't seem to accelerate more past twenty for about five minutes.

also when i was in a turning lane and then went to turn, it didn't accelerate quickly either.

what could be wrong with it?




  1. Well it could be that you have a V6 mustang... but even that is a little too slow. It could be your transmission. Sounds like the plates may be slipping.

  2. Quick question:  How many miles are on it and has there been any major work on it?

  3. It sounds like your cars computer is putting the engine into "derate" mode. This happens when the computer receives a signal from a sensor that it concludes could cause damage to your engine if the car is driven normally.

    It should be giving you a "check engine" light or something similar (I don't know what Ford's light says) that will let a mechanic know what sensor is sending the signal.

    Good Luck!

  4. I've got the same prblem too.I think your low on transmission fluids.ATF not motor oil.look for another dipstick on the side of your car and add more tranny fluids. IF that doesnt work than where on the same boat ride.The transmision will cost alot if you keep driving the car around , because your grinding the gears and torque converters.before you know it the car wont even go anymore.i've been stuck for the past week trying to fix the same problem.write down notes so you remember later.listen for squeeking sounds from the engine or tranny.go get a internal inspection and the computer should tell you what the spacific problem could be. hope this helps out. laters

  5. sounds like ur catalytic converter is clogged mine had the same symptoms...

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