
My car sound system makes alot of ground noise how do i stop it??

by  |  earlier

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i installed my two amps in my car last night one for lows and one for mids, but when i turned the car on it made alot of noise i installed a ground noise eliminator but it still makes a noise how do i make it stop????




  1. Turn the power switch OFF

  2. these links will show/tell you what could do and/or buy to remedy the problem

  3. ok assuming you have thick enough gauge wire here are some dont dos for grounding..........

    1. dont ground to seat belt bolts

    2.dont leave ground loose

    3. dont use the same ground spot for both amps

    4. dont rule out manually grounding your cd player as well

    5. dont run RCA signal cables near your power wire

    6. dont ground to tire wells or door frames(find a bare metal spot on the floor or under neath the seats)

    some Dos...

    1. use at least 8 guage if under 400 watts and go up to 4 guage if more than 400

    2. make ground cables no more than 18 inches in length

    3.scrape paint from metal and use washers or ring terminals rather than bare wire

  4. 3.scrape paint from metal and use washers or ring terminals rather than bare wire

    this works best

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