
My car was burglarized, the burglar left blood on my seats. anything I can do to find out who this person is ?

by  |  earlier

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the burglar left smears of blood on my seat. How can I find out who this person is. Im thinking a dna test, but how do i match that up with the national dna database?




  1. You cant and if you do try and have some lab do it for you the cost is around $1500.00 and it will take about 1 month to process..................

  2. Police don't usually do DNA testing to find car burgulars. It is just too expensive. You can try to fund the test yourself, if you really think it is worth it, but a DNA test is over $70, and there is no guarantee that a cheap test like that will work

  3. Unless it was a homicide the police really are not interested in doing blood tests and matching to repeat offenders.  I guess you could pay a private investigator to do that but cost would soar into the thousands of dollars.

  4. Sure, you can collect the sample, send it to a lab, pay 15,000 USD for a DNA profile, enter it into the police data base, and HOPE he is caught, and recover your $25. item that was stolen.

    The cops will NOT do this for a minor break-in.

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