
My car was repossessed, but I keep getting harassed, why?

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My car was repossessed almost four years ago. I owed like $5,000. Now there is this law firm that keeps adding money to my debt every day. Now it's almost $9,000. The car was sold in 2005. I still don't have the money to pay it. Should they still be harassing me? Do they have the legal right? A few years ago, the sheriff came to my door with a court document from them. I filled it out letting them know I didn't have any money to pay it. I can't sleep or eat thinking about this. I really want to make it right but I honestly can't afford it. I have one more year of school so most of my money is for college. What should I do? Thanks.




  1. what should you do?   pay them, 10 or 20 a week until paid

  2. These people can end up with liens on your bank accounts and anything else you own.  If the "court document" was a summons and you didn't "respond" in the "technically correct" way, then you are really up the creek.

    Here's what to do.

    Many colleges & universities have "student legal aid" or some similar kind of office where you can go for legal assistance.  Maybe not the best, but cheap ("free") and better than nothing.

    You have to work out a deal with the collector for monthly payments, if you can convince 'em $10 is all you can afford, they'll accept that.  At least it'll get 'em off your back until you can afford a real lawyer.

    wish I had a better idea. deal with it now -- it can really s***w you up for life.

  3. They have every right to harass you until they get paid. Just because your car was taken does NOT absolve your responsibility to pay what you owe. Call the law firm and tell them you have no money and to go ahead and sue you (big deal). That way you can at least get to let a judge decide what you have to pay back. Those thousands of dollars worth of 'legal' fees that the law firm has tacked on is standard operating bull. If you had $3,500 they would settle with you in full. When the judge orders you to either come up with some cash, make payments or sell everything you own you HAVE to do it. Again, big deal -- your credit is totally trashed anyway and this action will stop the harassment and this issue will be resolved so you can get on with your life.

  4. Your at fault here  so you need to talk to them and make a payment deal. The only thing that will happen if you do not is it gets to be more.

  5. They take the car, but you are still responsible for the money you owe. There is no way of getting around it. If you do not take care of this issue ASAP, you will probably never get financed for another car or house. This is DETRIMENTAL FOR YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. You should have started making some payment.  Interest and fees add up, and you are getting charged compound interest.  Try to make some kind of deal to cut the fees and set up some minimum payment programme, because every time they send you a letter it adds to the fees.

  7. Because you still owe them the money.  What should you do?  Simple, You should pay them.  I notice that you are affording a computer and all of it's related expenses.  What else?

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