
My car was towed. The car starts but the gear & clutch don't seem to be working. The car won't move!

by  |  earlier

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It's a 2003 A4 Audi




  1. was the driveshaft removed?

  2. It sounds like a transmission problem.

  3. if they towed it with the wheels touching the ground they could have damaged the transmission in it,you cant tow most front wheel driveo r all wheel drive cars with any of the wheels on the ground,it will burn the transmission out of it,the audis is a good example of one of the cars that cant be towed you have to use roll back to tow these cars with, if it didnt have any damage to the transmission before they did this you need to get in touch with them as soon as you can,good luck.

  4. those b*astards broke your car - sue them for every penny they've got!!

  5. and?  your question is?

  6. Some Audi's have all wheel drive. Did yours? If so, they trashed it good. You have no choice but to get pro help for this one. Be sure to document all repairs & keep recepits of the tow. Then drag em to court.

  7. you can google it i think

  8. It sounds like it could be expensive. Without seeing for myself it is difficult to say but it sounds as though the clutch has gone.

  9. Did you get the car towed BECAUSE the car was broken?

    Or did the car break down BECAUSE it was towed?

    What is your question?


    P.S.  4wd cars cannot towed by dragging.  They must be towed on a flat bed.  Is you Audi 4wd (most audis are).

    Good Luck...

  10. maybe the clutch needs adjusted. they should have towed it in neutral.

  11. id go to a car dealership

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