
My car was towed from a supermarket parking lot. ?

by  |  earlier

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I parked there at 4:30am to travel with another person. The parking spot was on the side of the building. There was no posting of any kind about no parking or about towing. The supermarket said its delivery truck could not get in to deliver so they had my vehicle towed. I had parked in a painted parking stall. If the parking spot was in the way of their delivery trucks than it should not be there at all or should have a sign about towing. What can I do?




  1. Take pictures ofthe spot you were in and take them to court to get paid the money owed to you when they towed your car..

    Sounds to me like someone was being an *** and aball breaker..

    Make sure you get a full view of the  spot front and back that shows there was no sign there.

  2. Could be that you were illegally parked. You weren't patronizing the store or they saw that your car was there for hours. My car was towed once because I used to park in a grocery store lot to avoid paying a meter or a garage. The only difference is they had signs...

    I don't think having a sign posted really matters. They considered you illegally parked on their property.

  3. Not much.  I would say the grocery store was right to tow your vehicle.  You would have been better off just to park in front of the store.  

  4. I am afraid there isn't anything you can do. Parking lots are for the patrons of that particular store. You were parked there illegally and they have to right to tow you for any reason or absolutely no reason at all.

  5. Parking lots are private property.  If you are not shopping at the store, then you are trespassing.  They had every right to tow you... sign or no sign.  

  6. Not sure, you may have a case. Seek legal advice.  

  7. You can take pictures to fight the tow bill but really you have no right to park on their property. Now they also have to prove your car was there all day. So this would go back and forth. The fact that there was no sign could help you.

    If it's just $100. or so. Pay it. Not really worth missing time from work and maybe end up payin git anyway.


  8. If there are no signs then they have no right to tow unless it broke a state/county etc law.

    If it was a "painted parking stall" then it should be council owned and the supermarket has no authority over it.

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