
My car will turn over, but it won't start.?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 1999 Ford Expedition. I drove it around fine the other day and got home. I turned off the car and went down an hour later and it would turn over, but not start. I looked in the manual and it said try the fuel filter. I went and got one and put it on and it still wouldn't start. I tried jumping the battery and it almost started, but still nothing. What else could it be?




  1. You need to check the fuel pump fuse and the relay ,I'm pretty sure that vehiclr has two fuse boxes one on the end of the dash board on the driver's side and the other one under the hood,the relay should be in the one under the hood.If there not marked then you will need to like in your manual.If the pump is coming on you should be able to hear it when you turn the key to the on position for about 2 seconds.

  2. a dead battery. if it really low on voltage it won't jump start all the time. and don't feel bad about changing your fuel filter it probably needed it  anyway. as they should be changed every year anyway. and make sure you put you fuel filter on right, it has an arrow on indicting direction of flow.

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