
My carpet stinks! Any suggestions.?

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We just moved into a new apt and the carpet has a funny wet smell especially now, its about 90 degrees out and its humid, the more humidity there is the more it smells. My landlord cleaned it but i think it made it worse. There are no pets allowed so it is not a pet accident. I am not sure what it could be I have used freebreeze and carpet fresh what else can i do that wont cost me my paycheck?




  1. baking soda

  2. If you can get it try Shake-e-Vac then just hover off, if you can't get that and this may sound silly but try some talcum powder shake it onto the carpet and hover off.

  3. Use Melaleuca "Sol-u-mel" and "Sol-u-guard", sure solve your problem.

  4. Start with the cheap basics.  Try a simple cup or two of baking soda liberally sprinkled in your carpets.  Let it sit over night and then vacuum.  If you still have an odor problem, try again, but this time add some essential oils in your favorite smells, like lemon, vanilla or something else you like, and mix it in with the baking soda, repeat on the carpet AGAIN and leave in for 24 hours then vacuum.  Smell should be gone!  Hope this helps you!  Good luck!

  5. You can use liquid laundry detergent without bleach in place of carpet cleaning fluid in any automatic carpet cleaner. In place of the defoamer agent that they try to sell you put a little bit of liquid fabric softener in the compartment for the dirty water that you pick up out of the carpet. I  great results and it is a lot cheaper than the stuff that they will sell you for the carpet machines in stores. Think about wash your clothes in the stuff and it takes out grime. Does the same thing for your carpets..... smells great.  And if you would like to do it by hand it will take a while, but it will look and smell nice. But you have to get deep.

  6. It sounds as if you might possibly having mold growing under the carpet. This happens frequently if the carpet gets to wet when it is shampooed and not dried properly. Your landlord may have to pull up a corner of it to see what he finds.

    If you don't want to do that, try just bringing in a large box fan (window fan), set it on the floor and keep moving it around every hour or so to cover all the carpet. It is possible that if the problem is just the dampness, this will resolve it by drying the carpet deep down. Good luck.

  7. Like the person said above, try baking soda, and if it is not gone then try something like febreez spray on your carpet or that armanhammer spray stuff. But I know you've tried that so if you said it smelles wet then I would get a dehumidifier. They don't cost overly much, but it will get rid of the humidity in your apt. and maybe the smell to. Good luck

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