
My cars interior speakers are cutting out at high volume?

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Stereo: Pioneer DEH-P3900MP 50x4w

Front Speaks: Kenwood KFC-1061S 120w

Rear Speaks: Kenwood KFC- 6970ie 400 w

i also have an amp and subwoofers.

Amp: Blaupunkt PCA1350 mono. 600 watts, 1000 watts @ 2 ohms.

Subs: Power Bass M-12D 600 watts each (2 of them)

My speakers inside cut out at high volumes, and during alot of bass, my head unit has bass and SLA turned all the way down, so im not demanding to much power from them. what can i do to prevent them from cutting out. if i hook them to my amp they could blow because i have the bass boost up for my subs.

any suggestions?




  1. turn the radio down....

  2. Hey,

    More than likely you have a factory amplifier in your car. When you have a factory amp and replace the speakers and deck without bypassing it, the aftermarket speakers will draw too much power and cause the amp to clip, or shut off. That sounds like the issue that you are having. The only other thing it could be is to make sure that your speaker wire is not touching anywhere or the deck could be going bad. But, i'd put my money on the factory amp. Good luck man.

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