
My cat, belle, loves parmigiano reggiano cheese. am i slowly killing her with a chunk now and again?

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My cat, belle, loves parmigiano reggiano cheese. am i slowly killing her with a chunk now and again?




  1. Cheese is made of milk, right? I don't think she should have any.

  2. Probably not. My two cats like to eat black olives. I don't know why...

  3. haha she has good taste.  The problem with giving cats dairy products is that after cats are weaned, they actually become lactose it may be giving her a stomache ache...  also, cows milk isn't particularly nutritious for any animal except, well, cows....  so it isn't very good for her, either.  But every once in a GREAT while will not kill her :)

  4. Have never seen cheese on Dangerous Foods for cats so if she is not having diarrhea or other problems after eating the cheese, why not give her a small piece once in a while. I give my dogs ice cream.

  5. I doubt it.

    Unless she's having diarrhea or vomiting a little bit now and then is probably fine.  I wouldn't give her much but what you're describing sounds fine.

    Some human food is dangerous:

    but in small amounts other things can be fine.  One of mine loves plain pasta.  IDK why.  But he's been eating a little bit here and there for months and he's fine.  The rest of his diet is good so it doesn't seem to hurt anything.

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