
My cat's BMs have blood?

by  |  earlier

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He is about 8 years old. He is acting normal, eating well, drinking plenty of water. He is not throwing up. I have looked at other answered questions, and I cannot take him to the vet, I can't even come close to being able to afford it. Someone says Hematochezia is the cause. This could be right, but I have been seeing blood a lot lately. I am so worried for my cat, please, if there is anything you could possibly say to help me figure out what is really wrong.




  1. He could be internally bleeding. If he just pees or poops out of no where randomly than you may have to take him to a vet, if you do care about his safety. I know it can be very hard caring for your beloved pets and its hard to pay for them at the same time. Try giving him soft food, it will make him p**p slimy, but that is good if it is slimy and not bloody. For anymore help please email me.

  2. If my cat was bleeding like that I'd be very worried too.  I have a cat with Kidney failure, and I'm doing all I can to help him.   Even if you can't afford to do so, try taking him to the vet anyways.  Tell them, that he's bleeding, and try to set up something with them.  Maybe they will let you work out some sort of a payment plan.  I heard some of young kids actually would offer to help clean the cages and stuff in exchange for the help for their cats, so you could always do that as well.  Just ask the vet, I'm sure some of those vets would have some heart.  

  3. No offense but what difference does it make if you know what the cause is? You still won't take him to the vet and get him help even if you know. You know what I take back the no offense. You shouldn't have a cat, I hate when people take on the responsibility of an animal and can't afford proper care. I have a cat with a heart murmur and I save money and get all the treatment possible no matter the cost because that's what you do when you agree to take care of an animal. Anyway take the cat to a vet, find a way to get the money and I hope he is okay.

  4. He probably has hemorhoids  (sp)and should be given a diet that is easy to digest.  A small amount of cow's milk will make it easier for him to defacate, but you do not want him to get diarhea.  Just give him a tablespoon or so to loosen his bowels.  If it doesn't clear up soon, and if he starts to act ill(lethargic, no appetite) you will need to take him to the vet.  Most vets will work with you on the cost, they want to see him get well, also.

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