
My cat's bottom lip keeps turning black and then the scab will fall off, should I get this checked out?

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I have a white cat, think it is part siamese, his bottom lip keeps turning black a bit like a scab and looks a little swollen, though he doesn't mind me touching it, then after a few days the scab will drop off and he has pinkish lips again. I'm wondering if it could be some kind of sun damage or if he is having a reaction to something? Can anyone help?




  1. i would have it looked at. you dont want her/him to be in pain.

  2. Of course you should take him to the vet right away.  It may be treatable cancer and the longer you wait, the less likely it will be treatable.  It may be something else.  TAKE HIM TO A VET.  Keep your cat indoors and out of direct sunlight.

  3. it sounds like a  rodent ulcer, My cat has this. You would have to go to the vets, and have a steroid injection :).

  4. definitely get it checked out-it sounds like skin cancer which is treatable but can spread if left for too long-your vet will remove the affected tissue  

  5. White kitties do 'sunburn', and when it is severe, will have a black crustiness and scab.  But this is usually on the ears and top of the nose, not on the lower lip.

    What it could possibly be on his bottom lip is feline acne.  It will crust and scab.  Attached is an article with pictures for you to compare with your kitty.

    To ease your worries, schedule an wellness examination with his vet and let the vet diagnose his chin problems.

    If it is the feline acne, the vet will probably give you an oral and topical antibiotic.  

    One of the biggest culprits for feline acne is plastic water and food dishes. When plastic dishes become scratched and damaged, no matter how carefully-even in a dishwasher-you wash them, bacteria will hide in those scratches, grooves and crevices.  Damaged plastic also lets off chemicals that can be irritating to kitty.

    If you feed with plastic dishes, throw them out and replace them with glass, ceramic or stainless steel dishes.  The stainless is actually the preferred, they are sturdy, easily washed and sterilized and will last forever.

    Purrs to you and kitty.

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