
My cat's nose turned white..

by Guest58393  |  earlier

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His nose is normally pink, and he has been acting unlike himself..

He has been sleeping a lot and hasn't been eating as much. His body has been feeling very hot, then his ears will be ice cold. He normally is always meowing and loving on me but lately he's just been sleeping all day and night.

I did find some sort of fungus growing on the floor in my kitchen (I'm renting and the owner did not tell me about this problem, so I'm very upset.) I cut it out and put a lot of bleach on the source then covered it with a towel so my cats cannot get to it. I was thinking that maybe he got ahold of it and maybe ate some of it?

I've been told that if he got into something poisonous giving him milk will help, so I did and he started acting normal and his nose turned pink, but then it turned white again and right back to sleep he went. I don't have enough money for the vet.. I don't even have money for my own groceries (My SS check got cut in half). Does anyone know how I can help my poor kitten? :(




  1. very hot means running a fever. A cat's body temp is around 102

    milk is very bad for a cat's digestive system. It causes stomach upset. Try grass from's what cats like to eat when sick.

    I agree cat needs vet, maybe you can find a vet to take payments or is income based. There could be something seriously wrong

  2. I know you don't want to spend the money....but you really need to take kitty to the's the only way to be sure that he is ok.  Call around and find a cheap clinic or may not be the best vet in the world, but its better then home rememdies or doing nothing...he may need an anti-biotic or something that you can't get for him over-the-counter.  I would call places...find out their rates...see if they have a payment plan or can bill you later, etc...tell them your situation and see if they will work with you.  Good Luck.

  3. oh honey sounds like your baby is siiiiiiccckkkkk..remember cats LOVE bleach and you are NOT supposed to let them get around. I don't think milk will help because most adult cats are lactose intollerant :(   i know how it is to have difficulties trying to love and take care of a pet, how old is he/she??? Maybe you could just call the vet and ask for some advice, i usually do this if i cannot afford to take them in. Also you might want to see if any vets have a payment plan. Another suggestion is to look up the carecreditcard. My mom got it and you can use it for dental, animals, general health. You should check in some vets to see if they accept this, they will have an application there if they accept or you could go online and apply and find out soon. I am very sorry about this i know what it feels like to feel so helpless and vet services are rediculous!!! sometimes worse prices than for human care!!!! you would think that they would do it for freee just to help out the poor animal!! Some vets will!!! we had one that did when we were so desparate for help. please just call some vets and ask for payment plans and about care credit. Also check into the animal protection league...they might be able to help you with some inexpensive services or next to nothing. Also do you attend a church??? If so maybe someone there could help you out, people in a church family will almost always be glad to help. If not maybe you should check into a church to seek some help to get around, churches often perform community services.

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