
My cat's veterinarian hunts animals? ?

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He does it for sport. Don't you think that's a little odd?

He dedicated his life to saving pets but he goes out of his way to shoot deer and other animals for fun?




  1. Who says Euthanizing can't be Fun

  2. what an *** that guys a sicko

  3. That does seem like quite the contradiction from private to personal life.  Personally I'd like to know that the person who has the life of my pet in his hands doesn't shoot other animals for funsies.  I know that doctors and such have to desensitize themselves to death...but can you imagine your family practitioner sniping people from a rooftop for the fun of it?

    And yes, there is a need for hunting.  I'm not anti hunting.  I would personally like a vet who did not hunt, however.  I wouldn't want a marriage counseller on their 4th divorce or a fat weight loss instructor either.

  4. He just want money.

  5. He is a hunter, so what. He helps pets, not wild animals, it is a bit strange but it isn't like he is going to hunt down your cat, or your neighbors dog. People are full of contradictions. If it makes you uncomfortable then find somebody else. But there are millions of hunters and probably some of them are vets as well. Simply because he doesn't act how you think he should doesn't mean he is wrong or that you are right.

  6. Yeah, that's wicked. Kind of like a bike rack on a Lincoln Navigator :)

  7. I am an animal fanatic!  I have had (and loved) every kind of animal imaginable from a cute little chihuahua to a couple of iguanas big enough to eat the chihuahua.  My choice to hunt has nothing to do with aggression towards animals or hatred thereof.  When I hunt, I make sure it is in the most humane way possible, and that ALL of the meat is used.  Now, if he was hunting dogs or cats and leaving their carcases to rot, then I would be worried!  A deer (or rabbit or duck or goose) is food, where as doggies and kitties are not!  As long as he is a good vet and treats your animals with kindness and dignity, I do not see a problem!

  8. A bit odd? The guy sounds like a moron who kills for fun.Doesnt sound like he cares one bit about pets

  9. Sick

  10. So? Lots of people have pets (dogs/cats/ect) that they take very good care of, but they still hunt as a sport.  And honestly, if no one hunted deer, they would be everywhere.  

  11. Hunters enjoy hunting. They have some very deep feelings about hunting, but often find it difficult to express those feelings in ways others understand.

    Hunting has nothing to do with violence or aggression. Almost every hunter will tell you they love animals. Yet, hunters kill animals. How do you explain that? It's a little like farming or gardening. People protect and care for their chickens and their vegetable plants, only to end up using them for food. Hunters support conservation of wild places and laws that protect wildlife populations, but they use some of the wildlife for hunting—not just killing, and not just eating, but to experience hunting.

    It's a lot easier, and often less expensive, to buy food and clothing at the store than to make them or grow them yourself. But people are "do-it-yourselfers" because they enjoy the activity, not just the product. Hunting is a lot like that. Some people say "hunting is in my blood" because our ancestors were hunters. It feels good to know we can still survive on our own in Nature the way our ancestors did. Hunting, growing food and making things by hand are all things that people love to do. Even though those things may not seem to be absolutely necessary, they are very important to people who enjoy them.

  12. I'm sure there are folks who raise beef but are vegetarian. I think there are Doctors who go to war and may not be in the field to save lives, but to take them. Teachers who may have part time jobs as strippers, which is not good for kids. The list can go on and on.

    Everyone has to have a hobby. And he probably eats the deer. I doubt he goes shooting and just leaves the animals to rot.  

  13. I don't think it's odd unless he's hunting cats and dogs. As long as he uses the meat, I don't see the problem.

    Many vets eat meat.  He's just cutting out the middle man.  

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