
My cat a question = please help

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Okay my cat,(long-haired) had tons of gnats or whatever it is called that his hair gets all bunched up all over and we gave him a bath and combed him(tryed)but it didnt work and so we had to shave all his beautiful hair off now he looks like a lion (We shaved his tail to look like a lion lol and then he only has hair on his paws and head)but anyway i was wondering why did my cat get so many of them!!!!!!!!!!?




  1. you mean fleas animals get them by being outside and near other animals that have them

    next time wash it with a flea removal shampoo

    and also maybe she started with 1 and it just multiplied

  2. If you own a long-furred kitty, chances are excellent they're going to get matts and knots. The fuzzier the fur, the worse the problem. Regular brushing is the best thing to do. Some people have their long-furred friends shaved for the summer. If you are going to wash your kitty and he already has matts, use a dry cat shampoo. Water makes it worse. Most cats don't need bathing unless you're using a flea shampoo. They really are self-cleaning.

  3. Do you mean your cat's hair was all matted? Gnats are small flying insects...or maybe your cat had lots of fleas....anyway...long haired cats require special grooming. This doesn't mean you need to take him to a groomer, but you should brush him daily, especially as his hair grows back. This will prevent tangles from starting; those little tangles and knots turn into mats, which are actually painful to him. So just keep him brushed and out of sticky stuff like paint, mud, etc.

  4. Some cats, particularly part Persians need to be brushed every day to keep matt free. Get a SOFT slicker brush and a fine tooth metal comb. Brush him every day and his fur won't get knotted up. You can also get spray conditioner made for cats that will help.

  5. i think you mean matts.  if you have a long haired animal, you need to brush it at least once a day to prevent this from happening again.  And matted fur doesnt just look bad, it also hurts the animal because if it forms close enough to the skin, it pulls whenever the animal moves.  be sure to check behind the ears and in the armpits, those are the most likely and most painful spots that animals tend to get matted.

    **also, never use human products on cats, they do make cat shampoo and conditioner, and most human products arent tested on animals anymore.  you wouldnt want to burn his skin

  6. To prevent 'gnats' (although I think they may be fleas which is common), you need to apply Frontline once a month (on the back of the neck).  You'll have to buy it at the vet because it's prescription only, but every vet recommends that every cat and dog be on this medication year-round.  It prevents and kills fleas (in any cycle of their life), ticks and chewing lice.

    To prevent knotting and mats, I try to brush my long-haired cats maybe once a week.  You shouldn't have to do it everyday.  Just keep an eye on it.  I've always shaved my cats each spring (with the lion cut - it's just so cute) because I live in the southeast, and I like to think that it makes them feel better with all the heat we get.

    Also, you should never have to give your cat a bath.  They clean themselves and HATE water.  If you tried to at home you would most likely end up with a lot of scratches, and your cat would probably avoid you for quite a while.

  7. Long haired cats need to brushed alot or else they will get Knots or matted hair. Maybe some conditioner would have helped out some. Maybe try Johnsons Detangler next time too.

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