
My cat always sits by the cuboard door and stares at it....?

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She sits there for ages just staring at it for ages. If I open it she walks in and walks straight out again.

There are bungalows backing onto our road and where our houses are used to be the gardens of the bungalows.

Why could she do this. My dog also stares at the wall where the cuboard is. Could this be paranormal?

There is no food in the cuboard.




  1. It's probably listening for mice.My cat did this untill it learned to open the door and got to the mice.

  2. It could very possibly be paranormal.

    You can look into it more with psychics, or just a Quiji board.

    It could also just be a rat or mouse nest behind the wall and they can hear it.

  3. Speaking from my own experience, I had a cat that would do the exact same thing.  It was because in the winter time mice would move in.  I don't know how they got in, but they did every year.

  4. Animals are definitely better at detecting spirits than people are so if you dog and cat are both doing this, and you have no  mice, I think they're sensing something.  I just found out that the woman who lived in my home before me died there, on the couch in front of my big living room window and almost every day the weather was good, when my cat was on the balcony, she would jump up on the table and just stare at the same spot....which turns out to be where the couch was positioned that the woman died on.  As long as they're not freaking out, or other weird, bad things aren't happening in your home, I wouldn't worry.

  5. It is widely reported and some believe that most animals have witnessed paranormal activity for more than humans just because of their superior eyesight and hearing.  I will say from your discription that if they are looking at something that it paranormal (ghost or spirit) they are not bothered by it because of your discription of how they behave.  If they are not snarling, hissing or acting afaid, I would not worry so much.

  6. Are there  water pipes in the cupboard? They could be listening to the water. Or...could be  the spirit of a mouse. I'm not making fun...why couldn't mice have spirits if people see the spirits of their pets? I doubt this is true...but have you ever thought about this possibility...that ALL animals etc. have spirits..or can be ghosts? Don't American Indians believe something like that?

  7. My cat does this cats and dogs see ghosts there eyes follow them around ive tried looking into my cats pupils and checking what they see. Could indeed be paranormal depends how old your house is and what history it has :)

  8. My cat has been doing it too.

    Just yesterday we found and plugged-up where the mice have been getting in.

    Look for a normal explanation and accept it if it fits before you look for a paranormal one. Paranormal ones are possible, but the ordinary has to be ruled out before looking for the extraordinary.

    That's the debunkers methods of debunking these things. They look for a POSSIBLE ordinary explanation which was not taken into account adequately.

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