
My cat attacked my other cat. Should I chance putting them back together?

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I have 3 cats. A 4 year old female, a 2 year old female, and a 1 year old male. All fixed about 5 months ago. I've had them all since they were kittens. They've always gotten along very well. They are indoor cats except sometimes for a short while I will let them out in the yard with me to sniff around. We were out in the yard for about 15 minutes when all of the sudden my 4 year old female flipped out and attacked both the other cats. I mean there was fur, hissing, claws flying, everything!! She was mostly chasing my 2 year old female. The two year old was just trying to protect herself and get away but the 4 year old wouldn't let up. I had to throw a blanket over her and hold her down and put her in a box until she calmed down. I let her out of the box in the yard and now she is acting fairly normal except she keeps looking toward the back of the yard, where the fight started, and growling. The other cats are inside. What could have made her flip out like that?




  1. it sounds like something really scared her. What she did is what they do when they get really scared, they attack whatever is closer to them. I would taker her inside and she should be fine to be put together with the other cats.

  2. i'm sorry to say this but i have no idea what is wring with your cat

    is there an animal back there that may have disturbed her

    i mean like a family of skunks or foxes

  3. It's possible that another cat could have been in your yard and sprayed in that area. Your 2-y-o may have just been in that area and the scent could have set your 4-y-o off. Especially if 1) she has never acted this way and 2) she continues to be set off by that spot in the yard. I think they will be ok together again. Good Luck!

  4. she could be sick take her to the vet and get her checked and see what he says keep them away from each other for while and then introduce them slowly and see what happens then again the four year old could be asserting her territory as older cat

  5. just dont take the cat that attacked the other cats outside again

  6. That sounds like she smelled something that made her think that the other cat was marking territory back there. Have you checked the area back there? you might find something that doesn't belong. I would try letting them back together in the house, where the older one seems calm. If they are fine there, but not in the yard, then there is something back there that she doesn't like.

    Try looking for a plant that is only growing there, or bees or anything not everywhere else in the yard.


  7. I would be  a bad idea putting them back together coz they can hurt each other again

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