
My cat bit her fur out. how can i get her not do that?

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My cat bit her fur out. how can i get her not do that?




  1. Heat will cause them to pull out fur... (trim it's coat down if a long haired cat)

    Mites will also cause it. (take to vet)

    check the skin and if you see brown dirt... your cat has fleas. - get some topical flea killer

  2. She may have a skin allergy, mites, parasites, fleas, really should get her to your vet's office as soon as you are able to to have a complete exam.

  3. your cat is stressed out, you need to talk to a vet and get some answers.

  4. It could very likely be allergies. I had one that pulled out two completely bald patches of hair. She looked awful, it turned out she couldn't tolerate any type of grains or red meats in her diet and lived to be a ripe old age after dealing with the allergies. Try talking to your vet about the possibility of allergies and then find some good quality cat food (not what the vet sells) like EVO, Solid Gold, Wellness orTaste of the Wild which are good grain free dry foods you could try.

  5. She might be doing this because of fleas, illness, food intolerance or stress so she really needs to be seen by a vet.  In the meantime, the web site below has an article on skin allergies in cats which you may find helpful.

  6. she could have a abscess and trying to self lance it. see if the area is tender.

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