
My cat bit me this afternoon.will i be alright?

by  |  earlier

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i was annoying her so it serves me right but she either bit or scratched me in the past my lips, in my mouth.its only bled abit.and it seems to have closed up.i put some mouth antiseptic cream i had from wearing braces.

ive just been reading awful stories about people who got bitten.shes scratched me before but nothings happened.but ive never been bitten.esp not in the mouth.cos i got scared she might have scratched me but i don't remember.

so do i need to go doctors?it was about 11 hours ago and its only abit sore.what would u do?




  1. i've been bitten and scratched a million times (i have five cats, 3 of which i've had since they were kittens.) i've never gotten an infection from them. Unless ur cat has rabies, u will be fine.

    feel better soon!

  2. It is going to be sore until it heals, but if you experience increased swelling and pain, then see a doctor.  Cats can bite or scratch causing blood poisoning...not to panic, just keep an eye on it.  If it does become infected, the dr. will give you antibiotics to clear it up.  And....stop tormenting your cat!!  That's not nice and has now caused you worry and possibly expense, not to mention the anxiety it caused your cat to react like it did.

  3. No. You will turn into a butterfly, best of luck.

  4. I would'nt annoy the cat anymore........I dont think you'll die.

  5. Unless it gets infected, or if your cat has some terrible sickness, then you will be fine. I get scratches all the time from playing too rough with my cats, and never a problem.

    Next time she goes to the vet get her/him to show you how to properly trim her claws, and that will help with scratches! If you are not sure how to clip them, then don't, since there are little blood vessels in their claws that will bleed if cut too short.

  6. Rinse your mouth every 2 hours with a mixture of 50% Hydrogen Peroxide and 50% water. You should be fine.

  7. I've been bitten 2xs. The first time was through my thumb nail. I just kept antiseptic on it and I was fine. This last time was pretty deep. I had to have a tetnus shot and an antibiotic. If it's not real deep and your cat is up to date on shots, I would just keep it clean and use antiseptic until it heals.

  8. As many as 40 percent of cat bites become infected and require medical care. If you were to get bitten by a cat you should immediately clean the bite with a disinfectant and monitor it closely so that it doesn't get infected. If in doubt, always visit a doctor to be safe.

    * Rabies is a virus that can be fatal if a vaccine is not administered in time.

    * Seek medical care if the wound is gaping, if bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes, or if you have specific medical conditions or concerns. This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.

  9. Always call your doctor.  Cat punctures often will cause a bad infection and you could need an antibiotic.  The area you were bit in will hurt a lot more tomorrow than today :(   Keep it as open and clean as you can.  

    Hope you feel better soon.  

  10. Cat bites often cause infection. You don't need to call your doctor for a cat scratch, unless you think the wound is infected.

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