
My cat bites hes tail ?

by  |  earlier

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hes less than 2 years old or comein up to 3 , and he has just started bitein hes tail , and drawn blood , why is this ? how can i stop this??




  1. If there is no sign of ticks or fleasthen he may just be having a 'moment'!

    My cat sometimes attacks himself, by biting his legs and rolling around on the floor!  

  2. probably fleas.  invest in a good flea killing medicine, and keep the open sores clean until healed. If that don't help, see your vet.

  3. check to see if he has fleas or mites that are bothering him

  4. if all jis fur is intact and u cant see any fleas!then he's just dematting his fur biting the knots out!!!my cat does it all the time all over her body:) even her claws lol :)

  5. He could have ticks or fleas. Bring him to vet! Buy some of this product for dogs that tastes like sour apple and spritz it on. Google it cuz i forgot the name lol good luck

  6. He may be itchy.  Allergies are a possibility,  Also look carefully at his tail.  If he goes outside, he may have been bitten by a stray cat and get an abscess.

    Some cats chase their tail, but they shouldn't draw blood.

  7. It could be that he got cut by something there and it is itching and/or bothering him.  I strongly recommend you taking him in to see the vet as the cut could become infected and cause other more serious problems.  

    He may also be suffering from fleas/mites so ask the vet about that possibility too.

    Hope this helps!

  8. could be flees or grass mites people can get them as well they used to be called berry bug , they seem to enter the skin by pours and cause terrible irritation. Some gardens are bothered with them and some not, they live under the lawn surface like midges they require blood to grow on to the next life cycle and they are so small you could probably get two on a pin head but they can be seen.they are a slight pinkish colour. My cat gets them every year about June to the end of August depending on the weather,and I take him to the vet for a flee jab that seems to help, they seem to like the warmth around our body's as well, very irritating  Just type in grass mites and search  you will get all the information. Hope this helps but if in doubt take your pet to the vet to be sure.

  9. I agree with the other answerers... If you see your cat suddenly biting his tail with a frenzy, then likely there's a parasite (flea or tick) biting him, causing it to itch.  They can't reach with their hind paw to scratch that itch with their claws, so they'll usually bite to scratch the itch with their teeth.

    Anti~flea remedies like Advantage will usually help.  If not, then take your cat in to see the veterinarian, because it could be something more serious, like nerve damage in the spine or tail causing a sensation similar to that of parasite bites or movement on the skin of the tail.  In that case, your cat may have had a spinal injury or degenerative disk disease ~ meaning you should get him in to see the vet right away!

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