
My cat can't p**p... ?

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My cat can't p**p. Its been over 24 hours and she's been trying to go. She's eating and drinking just fine. I made an appt at the doctors but I am hoping to find a home remedy or something I can try without having to spend a lot of money just to have them look at her.




  1. It sounds like you cat has a blockage,

    If so, wait about another day, maybe give her some fiber,  if she can't go then, then take her to a vet.

    If let any later it might become a more serious problem.

    Hope your cat gets well.

    Also, if your cat can't pee, take her to the vet quickly, she's probably in extreeme discomfort.

  2. Definitely one for the vet. You can buy cat laxatives (results: spectacular) from your vet to prevent future problems but your cat clearly needs help from an expert.

  3. she needs more fiber in her diet. or maybe some laxitives, idk.

  4. u sure its a  p**p problem and not a pee problem?in anycase it needs a vet.if its a she it woulndt be a urinary tracrt infection like males would have

  5. I'm happy that you had made a vet visit - I don't have a home remedy for you, but if you find one, you will still need to have a vet look at the cat because you need to know why, otherwise this problem will just keep happening.  

    Did the vet say this was an emergency?  Can the cat pee?  If the cat can't urinate, than he needs to set the vet right now, but defecating wait a day or two, but not much longer.

  6. No you really need the vet for this. If the cat has a blockage a home remedy isn't going to help. It will only prolong the problem and wind up costing more if the cat needs surgery. One of my cats had this problem and the vet gave her a chalky white medicine and sent her home. The next morning she pooped and all was fine. After that I had to make sure she always drank enough water (not enough fluids can cause constipation).

  7. have you checked to see if she has peed? as a blocked bladder has the same symptoms as constipation. also a blocked bladder is a life threatening emergency and needs a vet straight away as it can kill within a 24-48 hours so check and make sure.

  8. It depends on the cat, but 24 hours without pooping does not sounds too critical--unless it is a chronic condition or the cat is fairly old.

    It's great that you are bringing her to the vet. I had a male cat who had chronic constipation. Every few months, I would have to bring him to the vet who had to do a minor medical procedure to clean out all his c**p. As my cat got older, I had to give him a horrible tasting liquid everyday. I forget the name of the medication.

    So it is good that you are checking into this problem at an early stage. My guess is that it can be helped a lot with a high qualilty food.

    GOOD NEWS: I just found some home remedies from a book on natural healing for cats. The bad news is that I don't have time to send it to you now.  I can send it in about 24 hours.

    EDIT: Here are some notes from Dr. Pitcairn's book.

    Constipation sometimes occurs when cats don’t get enough bulk in their diet.

    Diet should include fresh vegetables for bulk.

    Raw meat (for example, Nature’s Remedy) can help. Milk sometimes helps.

    If the cats stool is dry, add ½ to 1 teaspoon of psyllium seeds to each meal.

    If the stools is hard, add ½ to1 tspn of mineral oil to food once a day until there is a bowel movement. Don’t use mineral oil for more than a week.

    Make sure litter box is clean.
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