
My cat clears out the room when he uses the litter box....any suggestions?

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I adopted a kitten from the animal shelter and took him to the vet a few days later...he was fine. I have noticed that when he uses the litter box, it is the worst smelling poo on the planet! He has another appointment with the vet tomorrow but I was wondering if that is normal...or not?




  1. cat chit usally doesnt have a strong odor when it is in the littler box. so im thinking he may be sick.  

  2. Smelly cat smelly cat, what are they feeding you?Smelly cat smelly cat, it's not your fault.

  3. sometimes its a case of worms or just the food you give him..

    try him on dry food. it normally doesn't smell as bad..and get some safe and makes it safe and smells nicer.. or you could move his littler tray to a more empty part of the house.

    well hope i helped

  4. heres the deal. cat scat(i rhymed!) smells bad! there are a few things you can do about this:

    1: let your cat outdoors more often. it dosent like being forced indoors all day anyway and it will find a spot to do its business.

    2: change the litter often. it wont smell as bad if it isnt there.

    3: use some of that litter box stuff thats supposed absorb the smell. it works, trust me.

    4:KEEP IT IN YOUR BASEMENT! you will immediately notice the different reaction of your guests if the litter is not in sight! :)

    following any of these should help with your smell problem but, remember, dont expect your pets to take care of themselves if you want to keep them indoors...

  5. normal--poo stinks.

    or maybe it's his cat food?

    wet cat food probally makes his p**p smell bad.

  6. change cat food. is she covering it?

  7. It could be coccidia - that's a parasitic infection that can cause really smelly poo.  Take a sample to the vet tomorrow, and ask it to be tested for coccidia in addition to worms, as they are separate tests.  

    Another thing could be diet.  What are you feeding him?  An awful lot of cats cannot digest corn (I have one) and it's the main ingredient in most grocery store dry foods.  It can cause seriously smelly stool, and upset tummies as well.  Try a food free of corn in all of it's forms, and see if that doesn't help.  You'll need to go to the pet store to find one though, but if that's the cause you'll both be happier.  

  8. Consider feeding mainly dry food with wet food only as a once a day treat, buy a good "covered" litter pan and fill it with "Fresh Step" litter, I have tried many and THAt is the best at handling smells, also buy a bag of baking soda and sprinkle a handful inside the pan with every scoop out, scoop out DAILY! Change the whole litter once a month, try to find an inconspicuous location for the pan that is away from fabrics which will trap smells. Good luck

  9. Both my kittens did that. It could be something as simple as switching their food to the stress of a new home. There is no harm in taking a fecal sample with you to the vet to make sure he doesn't have an internal parasites. I also bought a lidded litter pan with a swinging door, and it helped with controlling the smell considerably.

    If all else fails, just talk to your vet, they will normally know whats up.

  10. If you're feeding him canned food stop that could be the problem. Feed him a good dry kitten food like Iams my cats love that .If you need to moisten it with a little water. Try the odor absorbing litter. And you could also buy a covered litter box they even make them with a swinging door. Hope that helps.

  11. Cat poo stinks.  That is normal.  

  12. Welcome to cat ownership. Our cat used to clear the entire flat when she did one!! Absolutely awful. Invest in some powerful air freshners such as Neutrodol.

  13. That is totally normal.  Cat **** smells worse than anything else!

    You just have to find a place to put the litter box that will cause you the least strife.

    I always put it in the bathroom.

  14. just like some humans are smellier than others- so are cats- my cat is one of those who can easily bring about the need to evacuate the room- it is worth you taking your kitten to be checked by a vet- you will then have peace of mind- perhaps talk to the vet about changing your kittens diet and look forward to having your lil pet outdoor toilet trained :)

  15. probably the food he is eating,,,try foods that only contain chicken, the fish ones do the same to my kitten, especially if it has Salmon...Phew eeeeee

  16. Cheap cat food can do that.  Or it could just be any food that isn't jiving with his system.  One of our cats is on an anti-hairball prescription food and it makes her poo really smelly, the worst part is she is the worst at covering it, she'll just scratch in the litter box for like 10 minutes and not manage to cover it at all.  If he's good at covering his own, you might want to try a good quality litter in the meantime.

  17. Well from my own experience.

    My father has a cat and I have a cat we can feed them the same thing and my father's cat poo will stink up the house and my cat's won't but if my cat eats something and it dosen't agree w/ him he will trow up-my father's never has trown up.

    My father's cat is only 2 year old street cat "mix"

    My cat is a 4 year old Persian.

    Different cats different stomach-

  18. What are you feeding him?  It could very well be that it doesn't agree with him!  Feed him a better quality dry cat food and supplement it with some tinned or pouched food two to three times a day depending on his age while always ensuring he has access to fresh water.  Many top quality dry cat foods such as Royal Canin or Hills make a variety for sensitive stomachs, these are designed to meet all a cat or kittens nutritional needs.  Again they make food for the different stages of a kitten or cats life, as they have differing needs when they are growing than they do as adults or again as seniors.  Make sure you're not giving him regular milk and dairy products as once again these can lead to digestive upset, cats cannot digest lactose.  If your kitten likes milky things give him proper cat milk that's designed to avoid this issue and only give him a little as a treat.  Having him checked by a Vet is a good idea if you're worried, but good nutrition can save future worries and ill health.

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