
My cat continually scratches at her neck and keeps opening scabs from before. how can i make her stop?

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My cat continually scratches at her neck and keeps opening scabs from before. how can i make her stop?




  1. same problem, took my cat's mind off of it with music my pet cd. friend suggested it and bought it cheap from site. Try it.

  2. take her to the vet and meanwhile, they have these paper cone things for just such circumstances. I don't know whether you'd get it at the pet store or the vet, but the hole goes over the animal's head and the cone keeps her from being able to scratch/bite herself.

  3. she may have earmites or some sort of skin cant amke her stop unless you know the problem..take her to the vet

  4. You can make her stop by getting her to the vet to find out the cause of the itching.  If you were itching like crazy, I imagine you'd want to find out why and treat it rather than have someone put a cone over your head so you couldn't reach the area.

    She could have allergies or a skin condition, both of which need treatment.

  5. I had a kitty named Alex that used to do the same thing. The vet told me that it was possibly stress. It turned out it was. In my case, it was my teasing that I thought was in fun, was what was stressing the poor baby out. When I stopped, he stopped scratching and healed beautifully. So, in short, try to see if someone or something is stressing your sweetie out and try to eliminate it. If that's what's causing her scratching, she will stop.

  6. they make these cone things taht can go on a cat or a dogs head, but i guess it depends on where the scab is on your cat. its to stop them from opening up their stitches. ask your vet i guess.

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