
My cat died yesterday morning from a blood clot?

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To our shock our cat of 8 years had to be put down yesterday morning. He was absolutly fine the night before. Then in the morning I noticed he was dragging his back leg and crying.

I thought he'd been run over by a car and broken his leg.

We got him to the vets and saddly he had a blood clot. Saddle embolisum there was nothing the vet could do to save him.

He was deteriating by the minuites.

I am so shocked and sad, has anyone else been through this?




  1. My cat died last year from the pet food recall... so yes, I have been through it and I know how hard it is. To top it off, my new kitty of just one year ran away a few weeks ago and I haven't seen her since.... =(

    It is tough but just think about him thinking about you and maybe it will make you feel better.

    It sucks, I know :(

  2. Yes, except that it happened to a dog.

  3. Typing through my tears....

    I went through this on Monday night with my 12 yr old flame point siamese mix.  One minute he was fine, running and playing with his 5yr old "sister".  Then he starts crying and can't move his back legs.  We call the emergency vet and rush right over. She said there was a clot, that he wasn't getting any blood to his back legs, and also said there was pretty much nothing they could do, one clot will lead to more and is a symptom of underlying heart disease.  She said that even the (very longshot) treatment - if it even worked - would only prolong his life for a matter of weeks or maybe 6 months. He was in A LOT of pain, and I couldn't watch him go through that.  So I had to make the VERY difficult decision to let him go. I held him while they gave him the shot and told him that I loved him. He was my baby.  I adopted him as a "young adult" 10 years ago from the local animal shelter, so I figure that I likely gave him 10 years that he wouldn't have had otherwise since most adopted cats are kittens, not adults. I miss him terribly.  My house is so quiet without him.

    It really sucks.... just know you aren't alone.

  4. yes!! like three years ago or five i can't think of it but i was in third grade!!!

    when i was younger my parents had gotten two cats from a highschooler they taught!!

    i came home and we named them!! the multie colored one  was calico and the black and white one was zoro... i had them for a while until we came home one day and zoro's paw was bleeding we took him to the vet and i forget was exactly wrong with him but he was pretty bad!!!

    so we got them fixed!! for a while his paws were extremely soft!!

    then we had to bandage them twice a day!!

    one night my mom took him to bed and he wouldn't stoped movie!! she held him and he died in a sudden death!!

    i was so sad!! i woke up and my mom said zoro died!!!

    it was so sad to see him not moving!!

    yes it's hard breaking!! the vet wrote a letter saying how sad he was so that made me feel much better!!

    but i'm forgetting about the good part of this story!!

    i still have my cat calico!!! she's my baby and i'm so scared of wat might happen to her becuz of zoro!! she's my baby


  5. I am so sorry. Yesterday I noticed my cat could not walk on his hind legs. He was falling over. I too thought that he had gotten hit by a car but I couldn't find anything. I rushed him to the vet. The vet told me that it could be an embolism. He gave him Herprin (blood thinner) and fluids. He took x-rays(to see if his heart was enlarged) and blood samples (to rule out poison) and observed him over night. I was lucky he came home today and is not paralyzed. I will need to give him 21 mg aspirin every three day for the next 3 weeks. The vet could not make any promises that it won't happen again......We are just keeping our fingers crossed.  Did your vet give him a blood thinner? There are also blood clotting buster meds but vets won't usually give them unless they have access to ultra sound to verify it really is a clot because of risk of medication. I don't know how I feel about that.......If the cat is dying I think you should just give him the meds........What dose it hurt isn't paying for it!!!!

  6. just wanted to give you syber hug, i'm sorry. ive never been through something like that before. ((((hug)))

  7. :( I have..actually not long ago. It sucks doesn't it? I will never forget my cat "ginger" she was such a cutie. But don't worry i'm sure you will get over it soon. I have, for the past weeks i have been crying my head off. It's just so shocking, it's dreadful to hear "there is nothing to do to save her" my mouth was just wide open and i ran home crying...*sniff sniff* i miss her..don't worry you are not alone

  8. I haven't but it helps getting another cat.

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