
My cat doesn't like catnip. Is this normal?

by Guest66891  |  earlier

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My cat doesn't like catnip. Is this normal?




  1. Most of my cats have never cared much for it either.

    Male cats seem to like it better than females.

    But the fresh kind that you grow yourself is more potent than the dried stuff or the spray.

  2. Some cats just dont like it. Mine dont. They may not have any effect from it, its a bit like a drug that some cats cant get enough of. Look it up on the net!!

    Cheers, Jane

  3. That's perfectly normal as my cats don't like it either!

    Hope this helped.

    Love ZeldaForeva

  4. sure. Some cats simply don't like it. My cat is very picky. Catnip is like cat-pot though. weed to humans is catnip to cats. I'm not joking though, they've conducted a study about it and you might want to keep that in mind. I personally don't want my cat to be a druggie.

  5. About 10% don't respond to it at all. They found out it's a genetic thing, if both parents have the gene, their kittens won't respond to catnip either.

  6. Cats don't react to catnip when they are very young. Even then, not all cats like it. But yes, the fresh dried stuff is alot better than store bought. Mine managed to get into the cupboard, open the container & spread it from one end of the house to the other when I was at work.

  7. shoot the cat and trade it in for a dog. lol! just jokin tho.

  8. My 11 month old not only doesn't like it but will actually run from it, so I am happy to read that catnip is really overrated and not liked by many.

  9. Catnip is overrated, I have had a lot of cats just ignore it. So it is no big deal...

  10. it is normal, some just arent into it, if you want try some grasses, catnip or wheat

  11. Some cats just don't like it. In all my years of having cats for pets, I have only had one that liked catnip.  

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