
My cat doesn't like my new kitten??

by  |  earlier

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She hisses when she sees her, and wont go near her. She even hissed at me after and I wasn't holding the kitten at the time... what can I do??




  1. well first of all how long have you had the new kitten?

    It takes time for you older cat to welcome the new member of the family give it a month or two they will get used to each other

  2. Let them work it out on their own - they have to establish a pecking order, someone will be the alpha cat (not necessarily the older one either).  Monitor their behavior to make sure there is no bloodshed, but leave them alone if they are hissing or swatting, it's a natural behavior.

  3. Cats think they rule everything,

    The best thing to do is show equal attention to both of them,

    and just ride it out.

    The big cat will come around, don't worry!

    best of luck!

  4. i say keep the kitten inside for good health let it sleep in your room and that other cat of your can sleep on the couch down stairs just i don't know cover the kitten with a lil blanket when you carry it kittents are so cute i don't understand why the cat dosent like it is it a different kind of cat not its type maybe you should wait tell the kitten grows up I'm still saying you can keep it but keep them in sepreat rooms also your cats a big boy she can take care of her self just leave litter box food and water and the kitten can get all the attention he needs

  5. Give them about a week to get use to each other it should stop.  She hissed at you because she feels you've invaded her space with a new kitten.  I just went through the same thing, don't force them together, let them do it at their own pace and soon they will be chasing each other around your house!!  

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