
My cat doesnt really like me that much?

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even tho I feed her ,praise her. She still bites me tho.....

Is there a way to make her stop




  1. Cats bite for a number of reasons.  It doesn't mean she doesn't like you.  She could be in pain, or she could be really sensitive to touch.

    When does she bite you?  What are you doing when she does it?  Maybe you've been petting her too long and it's gotten way too sensitive for her.  One way to tell is if her tail is starting to twitch;  that means sensations are starting to get too intense when she's being petted.  Maybe there are areas she doesn't like to be petted in.

    If she's just snappy and moody, it means you need to take her to the veterinarian;  she is probably in pain.

    One thing that NEVER works is to punish for biting.  Just say "no!" and withdraw;  stop whatever it is you are doing.

  2. no she will never like you, because your selfous

  3. no.i had a cat and it always bit me no matter what i did..i think its just how they are or something...

  4. Yes, neglect the cat don't feed her she'll be sorry and come back.

  5. No. You might just have a cat that doesn't like you or maybe she is just mean.

  6. Two things to remember about cats.

    Cats have cats.

    Cats have a mind of their own.



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  7. Be very gentle with her, rub her under the neck and behind the ears (they really like that). She might only be playing. Get some toys maybe a mouse and let her take her anger out on the mouse instead of you!  

  8. It depends on how old is your cat? if still a kitten, then when playing they can be rough, they don't know that you are not like her, that's how they play, taking little nips. If you've had her for a while, maybe she just doesn't like to be handled, some cats are like that, want to be left alone, it doesn't mean that she doesn't like, cats have a mind a mind of their own. Have heard the saying, "a dog you own but the cat owns you", just let her be and eventually she'll come around, some older cats don't want to play much, want to stay quiet.

  9. if you want a pet that loves you get a dog. cats are just good at being loved. i think my cat is convinced i only share her place so i can open those cans for her!

  10. Is she biting to play? Or because she doesn't want you touching her? If it's to play, you can yowl that it hurts (even if it doesn't really), and then stop playing with her. That way she'll learn that biting is not allowing during play.

    If she doesn't want you touching her, I think you'd just need to be super gentle with her and use a soothing voice so she knows you're not going to hurt her. Make sure that you never hit her, even if you think it's discipline; cats aren't disciplined by hitting or rubbing their nose in things, etc. When she tries to bite, touch her nose and firmly say "No."

    If she's putting up a fight, you need to let her know that you're dominant to her. So if she bites you as an attack, you shouldn't back down.

    Make sure that you clean bites thoroughly. A cat's bite can easily get infected.

  11. maybe she is on pot

  12. Stop bothering her

  13. if shes older, she might just be that way. Is she new? Maybe shes just still trying to adjust. Im allergic to cats and personally dont care for them...but its wierd cuz I think they can sense that I dont like them and they hiss at me.

    So maybe if she can tell your frustrated with her or something?

  14. its ok she will learn to warm up to you. sometimes cats need time to get to know you and fully trust you. give her time

  15. sounds to me its just a mean cat, maybe someones being mean to it, therefore making it think all humans are mean

  16. My male kitten use to attack me all the time when he was a kitten. They grow out of it when they are a cat. Spend time with her every day, playing, talking to her while you pet her and hand feed her her treats.

  17. Yes get of her tail  

  18. my cat is the same way.

    i think some cats are just like that.

  19. If she bites hard, something is wrong with her. If she bites softly, she is just playing.

  20. Has she always been like this?

    If it is a more recent thing get her checked at the vets.

    Maybe she has a skin issue that means she doesn't like being touched, or a toothache - which makes my baby the most miserable thing on earth at times!

    My cat was passed on to me from previous owners where she wasn't really liked and has not had a nice upbringing, and she is therefore a very quiet solo cat.  She doesn't like to be messed with.

    Mainly, if she's expressing a desire to not be fussed around with (once youve ruled out medical issues) do not spend all your time following her around insisting upon making friends - she'll feel hunted and will respond defensively.  She may just be quite anxious and not know what your affections are all about.  Be quiet and let her come to you.

  21. Sometimes it depends on what kind of cat that it is. I mean my friend has a Himalayan cat & she has a verrry anti social personality.  

  22. cats r just weird that way.  they bit, and it hurts, but deep down, i'm sure she likes u!!  Cats r solitary animals, so maybe she wants to b left alone.  i hope this helps!!!

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