She was in labour for more than 12 hours, first kitten died and was in the sac when i found her early mourning, the other one was ok but needed help getting cleaned up. At this point the mother was exhausted. She was taken to the vet and emergency clinic with a fever of 40.5, dehidration, exhaustion, and contractions after the last kitten was born, which could not be explained concreatly by the vets. I counted two placentas after birth, and an x-ray confirmed no kittens were left. 24 hrs later she still seems to have slightly-small contractions or heavy breathing that speeds up and slows down every once in a while? This is occuring roughly 3, 4, or 5 times every half hour? Following these contractions she discharges a yelowish pink secreation. Any thoughts or comments would be helpfull. Thank you.