
My cat got a flea treatment today at the vet, but every once in a while i see a live flea crawling on her??

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I have seen at least five fleas crawling in her fur since I took her home, did the treatment not work? Or will these fleas die soon because of the chemicals or whatever on her?

i know they are fleas because i picked one off with a tissue and it definitely is a flea because i took a parasite class so i know what they look like at least!




  1. you don't say which type of flea product is used, but both frontline and advantage take 24-48 hours to be absorbed and redistributed through the sebaceous glands.  

    then, fleas - which live in the environment - will jump on the kitty, walk through the flea treatment and be infected.  It works on their nervous systems, so fleas actually become more previlant and you notice them more as they are dying.

  2. Give it time...nothing works like magic..if a topical was needs to spread and usually takes 24 hours.  

  3. Most Vet approved flea treatments can take 24-48 hours to kill all fleas on the your pet. Give it time, they'll all eventually die.

  4. Most take up to 24 hours to be 100% effective.  You may notice some still crawling but ultimately they will die.  You need to treat your house as well but I am sure your vet explained that to you.  Its like head lice, you wouldn't just wash your hair and be done.

  5. they will die soon, don't worry.  

  6. They will die soon don't worry about that, my experience is that it will usually take a full 48 hours.  Just keep brushing her and if in 2 weeks they are still there call the vet.

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