
My cat got a huge boil like thing on the side of her head looks like its puss filled!

by Guest65701  |  earlier

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theres a scratch in the middle and im scared for her....what is it????




  1. Well the same thing happened to my dog and it was an abcessed tooth. Is she an older cat? Call the vet she might need it extracted (pulled) don't pay to save it for a root canal it's really expensive. Good Luck

  2. Well go see vet.

  3. My Male had one. Before I could get an appointment for him, it burst. It was filled with pus and left a little crater in the side of his head right behind the ear about the size of my thumb tip. I cleaned it with peroxide and put some powdered antibiotics in it. It healed nicely. But, if you can get you cat to a vet I say take her. It never hurts to be careful.

  4. Nothing big if your cat has gotten it's shots. Sometime it builds up alittle mole/boil/wart thingy. My cat got one. The vet said it just happens. But if it really bugs you, take her to the vet! I would anyway, because I am not a vet and no one who has answered is! Best of Luck with her and you.

  5. Take her to the vet. More than likely it is from a cat fight and can make her very sick if not treated. It will get very infected.

  6. See a veterinarian. It might be infected but they should be able to treat it with antibiotics or by draining it.  

  7. take her to the vet

  8. get her to the vet if she is a outside cat she might have been fighting and it could be bad


  9. Call a vet to get it removed cats and dogs get those often but mostly to older dogs and cats.

  10. VET ASAP

    cats can 'heal' over there infections internalizing them and this kills them.

  11. It sounds like its infected you should definitely get it looked at she may need to take some antibiotics to help it go away, trust me it happened to me  

  12. may be an infected bite because my cats play with eachother and that happens sometimes, it may also be a spider bite, so I suggest YOU BE SAFE AND TAKE YOUR CAT TO THE VET..

    Puss is NOT a good sign...hope your cat is fine.

  13. My dog had the same thing you need to take her the the Pet Hostpital Asap, the Bump on her head Can Spread and it will get bigger. what the doctor will do is Drain the Puss out of it.

    Good luckk and take your cat in


  14. it sounds as if you cat has been in a fight with another cat and the other cat has stuck his/her claws into your cats head causing the infection and a abscess to form,bathe the cats abscess with very warm salty water,the hotter the better,but the temperature where you would bathe a baby in a bath of water..this should soften it up,and let it burst on its own,if you try to burst it the abscess may go into your cats blood stream and cause more problems..

  15. Your cat probably has something lodged under her skin in that spot and her body is fighting it off.  The puss are the dead soldiers in that fight!

    Don't try to squeeze it out.  MY OPINION is that if you can see the offender (like a splinter) in the puss (like her body is working to push it out and it is near the top) carefully with a needle and tweezers that have been cleaned in hot water and soap and doused in alcohol prick the boil ever so lightly right over where you see the object,and gently grab it with the tweezers.  Sop up the puss with a big piece of cotten with alcohol on it.  Press firmly.  Then put antibiotic ointment on it.

    That will only work if your cat is a willing participant and if you can see what is in the boil.

    Otherwise go to the vet.

    If at any time the cat's boil starts getting red lines extending fro the boil or she is getting lethargic and not eating, you have to get her to the vet.

  16. you should take her to the vet ...she may need antibiotics or to have it lanced  

  17. ugh gross.... take her to a vet. another cat probably scratched her and it got infected. or pop it. it might hurt your cat though....but it may help. i suggest taking her to a vet.

  18. i honestly dont know but take her to the vet immediatly and dont pick at it  

  19. Go to the vet and get her some antibiotics, but don't touch the boil-thingy cuz it could be contagious or infected. Go go make the appointment w/ the vet really soon, okay? Good luck! :)

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